Sacropelvic Solutions for SI Joint Dysfunction.
The iFuse Implant is the only device for treatment of SI joint dysfunction that is supported by significant published clinical evidence.
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Trauma surgeons explain how iFuse Implant System® can be used in pelvic trauma-related cases.
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A Minimally Invasive Surgical Approach to the Management of SI Joint Dysfunction.
iFuse Bedrock - Fixation, Fusion, Foundation.
Effect of long construct fusion on the SI joint.
This document lists all of the currently known peer-reviewed publications with results or data relating to the iFuse Implant System®.
Consistent positive clinical outcomes supported by multiple studies, multiple outcomes and multiple time points.
The iFuse Implant System® is developed for sacroiliac joint fusion, including high and low energy fractures of the pelvic ring.
Review of low energy fractures of the pelvic ring and the downward spiral of conservative treatment.
Retrospective, multicenter review of 50 patients with high and low energy pelvic trauma treated with the iFuse implant system.
Patient outcomes after traumatic disruption of the SI joint or directly correlated to the quality of SI reduction.
A sacroiliac joint block is a diagnostic procedure to determine if the sacroiliac joint in the source of the patient's pain.