SI Joint Fusion: Approaches and Recent Outcomes | SI-BONE

Clinical Data

SI Joint Fusion Review (Yson - PM R 2019)

Sacroiliac Joint Fusion: Approaches and Recent Outcomes

Yson SC, Sembrano JN, Polly DW Jr.
PM R. 2019 Jun 06. [Epub ahead of print].
DOI: 10.1002/pmrj.12198


The sacroiliac joint (SIJ) may be a primary source of pain in patients complaining of low back and/or buttock pain. Nonsurgical treatment of SIJ pain typically includes structured core and pelvic muscle flexibility and strengthening; pharmaceutical management through oral and injectable medication; and ablation procedures. For patients who do not improve with comprehensive, nonoperative treatment, surgical fusion of the SIJ is an option with overall good reported outcomes and high patient satisfaction. Minimally-invasive (MIS) approaches have been shown to have lower morbidity and earlier recovery than traditional open approaches. To date, the majority of published clinical studies on MIS SIJ fusion are industry-sponsored and predominantly using one system (ingrowth triangular titanium rods). These include two level 1 randomized controlled trials comparing MIS SIJ fusion to nonoperative management, with results favoring surgery.

KEYWORDS: Musculoskeletal Conditions; Pain; Surgery.

Author Information

Yson SC, Sembrano JN, & Polly DW Jr - Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Minnesota, 2450 Riverside Avenue South, Suite R200, Minneapolis, MN 55454

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